Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon 2015

Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

Hello everybody, in this tutorial I'm gonna show you how to create a great heart shaped moon with photoshop. Which will look like this one.

Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

Ready!! Lets Go.

STEP 1 Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

go to File<Open  Then open the File with the name "DinoPSD-MoonTexture" ( it will be available for download in the end of the post)

Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

STEP 2 Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

Select the Custom Shape Tool ( U ) and use the heart shape . click and drag and you will get something like this

Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

STEP 3 Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

Now click on the texture layer. Then click (Ctrl and click ) on the shape layer to make a selection on it.

Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

 STEP 4 Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

Click (Ctrl+I) ti invert the selection and click delete  you will get something like this

Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

STEP 5 Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

Add the heart layer to the background named "DinoPSD-Background( it will be available for download in the end of the post)

Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

 STEP 6 Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

Go to Layer Style and copy these options

Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

 STEP 7 Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

Go to Image<Adjustments<Color Balance.Then copy these options

Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

STEP 8 Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

Now go to Image<Adjustments<Levels. And do the same, you will get something like this

Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

 STEP 9 Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

Last step just duplicate the layer

Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

Easy Photoshop Tutorial : Heart Shaped Moon  2015

Hope you enjoy it!! See ya in the next Tutorial.

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About Unknown

I'm DinoPSD Owner.My name is youssef im 20 years old.I like Designing every type of it i've doing it nearly for 5 years.For now and on i will give you my experience as tutorials.
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